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Smith Wesson Serial Number Date Manufacture

Select Category SMITH & WESSON Current manufacturer located in Springfield, MA, 1857 to date. Partnership with Horace Smith & Daniel B. Wesson 1856-1874. Family owned by Wesson 1874-1965. S&W became a subsidiary of Bangor-Punta from 1965-1983.

  1. Smith And Wesson Serial Number Date Of Manufacture N Frame

Between 1983-1987, Smith & Wesson was owned by the Lear Siegler Co. On May 22, 1987, Smith & Wesson was sold to R.L. Tomkins, an English holding company. During 2001, Tomkins sold Smith & Wesson to Saf-T-Hammer, an Arizona-based safety and security company. Smith & Wesson was the primary distributor for most Walther firearms and accessories in the United States from 2002-2012.

During 2012, Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen and Umarex announced the formation of Walther Arms, Inc. To import, sell, and market all Walther products in the U.S. Beginning Jan. Smith & Wessons have been classified under the following category names - PISTOLS: LEVER ACTION, ANTIQUE, TIP-UPS, TOP-BREAKS, SINGLE SHOTS, EARLY HAND EJECTORS (Named Models), NUMBERED MODEL REVOLVERS (Modern Hand Ejectors), SEMI-AUTOS, RIFLES, and SHOTGUNS. Each category is fairly self-explanatory.


Among the early revolvers, Tip-ups have barrels that tip up so the cylinder can be removed for loading or unloading, whereas Top-breaks have barrels & cylinders that tip down with automatic ejection. Hand Ejectors are the modern type revolvers with swing out cylinders.

In 1957, S&W began a system of numbering all models they made. Accordingly, the Hand Ejectors have been divided into two sections - the Early Hand Ejectors include the named models introduced prior to 1958. The Numbered Model Revolvers are the models introduced or continued after that date, and are easily identified by the model number stamped on the side of the frame, visible when the cylinder is open. The author wishes to express his thanks to Mr.

Sal Raimondi, Jim Supica, Rick Nahas, and Roy Jinks, the S&W Historian, for their updates and valuable contributions. Factory special orders, such as ivory or pearl grips, special finishes, engraving, and other production rarities will add premiums to the values listed. After 1893, all ivory and pearl grips had the metal S&W logo medallions inserted on top. FACTORY LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY - S&W charges $50 for a formal letter of authenticity. A form is available for downloading on their website: www.smith-wesson.com for this service. Turnaround time is usually 8-12 weeks. For more information and current pricing on both new and used Smith & Wesson airguns, please refer to the Blue Book of Airguns by Dr.

Robert Beeman & John Allen (also online). From Blue Book Publications.

Smith And Wesson Serial Number Date Of Manufacture N Frame

I've been trying to find out the year of a S&W Model 36(no dash) 38 special, 3' barrel, blue. The serial number is 48J3XX Thanks in advance.:cheers: Couldn't find a Model 36 SN that is like yours.

1950-1969 shows 5-6 digit numbers with no letters and 1969-1983 all SN's start with J. Does show that the 36-1 started in 1967. There is a some interesting information listed about the early production models in the 'Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson 3th Edition. Without having to buying it, if you have a Barnes and Nobles in your area they usually stock a copy that you can look.

Couldn't find a Model 36 SN that is like yours. 1950-1969 shows 5-6 digit numbers with no letters and 1969-1983 all SN's start with J. Does show that the 36-1 started in 1967. There is a some interesting information listed about the early production models in the 'Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson 3th Edition. Without having to buying it, if you have a Barnes and Nobles in your area they usually stock a copy that you can look. There is a Barnes & Nobles in town, I'll have to look for that book. I have had no luck with the sn either.

It is plain as day on the bottom of the butt, but like you found it is odd having two numbers, the letter 'J', then 3 numbers. My dad has the info from when he bought it, and it came from a ncsd in the mid 70's when my dad was a constable.

Thanks for the info. Thank you for posting this.

I have a 36 that by this was made in 1957. I was going to sell it and wanted to know more. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. 1950 = start at 1 1952 = 7369 - = = 55050 - = 117770 - 1 = starts at 2 = ends at 786544 J serial Prefix serial numbers. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50. 1969-1970 = J1 - J-1972 = 1J1 - 9-1974 = J100000 - J2-1976 = J250001 - J3-1977 = J370001 - J6-1978 = J610001 - J6-1980 = J670001 - J7 = J760001 - J9 = J915401 - 1J = 1J18601 - 1JXXXX 1955 - 4 screw side plate ends 1957 - stamping of model number at 1 - flat latch ends 1968 - diamond grips end 1975 - heavy barrel standard 1982 - end pinned barrel.

For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. 1950 = start at 1 1952 = 7369 - = = 55050 - = 117770 - 1 = starts at 2 = ends at 786544 J serial Prefix serial numbers. For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50. 1969-1970 = J1 - J-1972 = 1J1 - 9-1974 = J100000 - J2-1976 = J250001 - J3-1977 = J370001 - J6-1978 = J610001 - J6-1980 = J670001 - J7 = J760001 - J9 = J915401 - 1J = 1J18601 - 1JXXXX 1955 - 4 screw side plate ends 1957 - stamping of model number at 1 - flat latch ends 1968 - diamond grips end 1975 - heavy barrel standard 1982 - end pinned barrel Judgin by this then, my dads would be 1971-1972. Thanks CW.:thumbup.